Online Casino Players Prefer Shorter ID Check Time
A recent study lead by the information services company Experian unveiled that online casino players are the ones who have the lowest tolerance for taking part in time-consuming identification checks. The firm showed that the average consumer spends no more than four minutes before he decides to give up and exit that particular gaming site and try another one or even give up completely.
It has been revealed that no less than 45 percent of internet gaming sites’ users abandon such a transaction because of drastic security checks, half of them deciding to try another online casino. Furthermore, one in five consumers even decides to give up. Experian representatives have also said that even if not many individuals accept to comply with internet gaming ID requests, they should think about the fact that these checks are meant to not only protect online businesses but also players.
Thus, experts advise online casino operators to make sure that the transaction systems they use are fast and simple but also maximize the site’s level of security, this way also maximizing their customers’ satisfaction. Operators who want to buy top quality casino software for sale at reasonable prices can find the best solutions at