Casino without casino gaming licence
Many people are still wondering how you can have a casino without having a gambling /casino licence. The answer is simple.
You host a website with so called "casino games" where people buy points with money (Euro/USD/GBP) and then they gamble the points and at the end they can exchange their casino points for prizes. Among the prizes you can also have money.
If we go by the definition of gambling ( Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money ) then you are safe as your users are exchanging money for points, and then they can redeem prizes with the points or gamble the points to get more points.
The secret is in the prizes offered, meaning that you cannot allow your users an option to withdraw anything, but they can only redeem prizes. Having a prize system like this doesn't follow the rules of gambling,therefore the gambling licence is not a must.
If you live in the USA, you can have no worries at all. Under US federal law, gambling is legal in some parts of the United States, and states are free to regulate or prohibit the practice( be sure to check with your lawyer before starting your casino ). Gambling has been legal in Nevada since 1931, forming the backbone of the state's economy, and the city of Las Vegas is perhaps the best known gambling destination in the world. In 1976, gambling was legalized in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and in 1990, it was legalized in Tunica, Mississippi; both of those cities have developed extensive casino and resort areas since then. Since a favorable U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1987, many Native American tribes have built their own casinos on tribal lands as a way to provide revenue for the tribe. Because the tribes are considered sovereign nations, they are often exempt from state laws restricting gambling, and are instead regulated under federal law. Additionally, almost all states have legalized gambling in the form of a state-run lottery and most states allow for limited non-profit organizations to host Bingo nights.
Also, as an alternative option you can open a company in one of the countries that allow gambling.You can read this article for more.
Be sure to check with your lawyer before starting your casino, because some states can have different gambling laws!